Cliff Lane Friends

Cliff Lane Friends is our amazing parent support group for the school. Cliff Lane Friends has raised thousands of pounds for our pupils in recent years and have funded things like the new playground markings, a mud kitchen and a complete replenishment of fiction texts for the school library. They are an important part of our very strong community and help make our school the special place that it is. 

Cliff Lane Friends has a Facebook Page where you can find out all about events and ways you can support:

Cliff Lane Friends is on Twitter:

Cliff Lane Friends has an Instagram account:

Committee: Zoe Watkins (Treasurer), Lisa Overton (Secretary), Karl Shipp, Sinead Lambe, Jade Lee, Marian Lishman, Rachel Norris and Hannah Constable-Simmonds.

Our website:

Contact email address:

Can you help?

We are looking for representatives from each year group to be listed here as a point of contact. If you do not know your year group contact or you would like to volunteer to be this person, then please email: